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Gambling King
Posts: 14
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Joined: 4 years ago

In order for the Gambling King to handle your complaint in the best possible way and with a favorable outcome for you, please follow the rules below:


1. Before submitting your complaint, please make sure of the following:

a) Check if the affiliate program's casinos are licensed, usually you can find a logo or the license number at the bottom of the page. We don't accept complaints regarding affiliate programs running unlicensed casinos.

b) Please read the rules of the affiliate program before advertising their brands.

c) Try to talk it out with the affiliate program representatives before submitting a complaint to the Gambling King.

d) Please test yourself what you think it's not working out for you.


2. Proof:

Before submitting your complaint, take screenshots, take proof of the issue.

Gather tangible proof and submit it in your complaint, everything counts.


3. We accept complaints for the following issues:

  • Registered users: new registered users are not showing in the affiliate panel;
  • Deposits:Β deposits are not showing in the affiliate program, even after testing by registering via the affiliate link, depositing and losing the minimum sum of real money;
  • Admin fee: affiliate manager offered you an affiliate commission with a certain % admin fee but you notice the % admin fee is higher;
  • UK tax fee: UKGC licensed casinos practice a 21% UK tax fee on affiliates, the affiliate manager didn't let you know? Tell this trickery to the Gambling King so he can advertise this trick coming from the respective affiliate program so others will know about this trick!
  • % Revenue share: you made a deal on a certain % revenue share but at the end of the month you notice the % revenue share is different? Let the Gambling King know about this scam!


4. Patience

We understand you are very upset for the possible damage the affiliate program has caused you.

The Gambling King along with his trusted royal knights will need some time to investigate and communicate with the affiliate program in question. Not to worry, you will get updated as soon as possible.

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